Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Innocence of Tansy

Tansy, 10.23am, yesterday. Sadly, not a titled Jilly Cooper heroine; more a lovely, very friendly type-bod, nonetheless.

Those of you still traumatised by my experience with the evil smoothie (http://poo-diaries.blogspot.com/2006/08/innocent-until-proven-guilty_04.html) can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

For, though unfortunately I still haven't had the painters in (in either sense, although I'm pretty certain my contraception covers the event of the odd fumble with a soft drink or two) , I'm happy to report the cessation of violence in the Blackberry Wars.

For, unbeknownst to me, a concerned friend had decided to enrole herself as peacemaker. Manfully, she took stock of the situation, girded her formidable loins and contacted the perpetrators of the affair with my sorry tale.

And hence, one not-so-sunny morning last week, I awoke to the sound of vicious hammering on my door. On opening, I was greeted by a slightly halitosid young man, thrusting a large brown box eagerly into my trembling hands.

Given the previously shocking events, it's perhaps understandable that I was somewhat nervous of opening this offering; particularly when its contents were revealed as a deep row of smoothies, all standing to attention and clearly ready for action. Suddenly, a thousand images of potential war and terror flooded my mind - pictures of the bastards storming my flat with shot and shell, sabring my newborn's throat and contaminating my lounge with their uzi-ripe breath.

But then. Happily it turns out I had nothing to fear: these smoothies had come in peace. For on further investigation, I discovered this small note, attached to the underside of the box:


Your friend Kirsteen told us of your unfortunate experience last week. Here is our little sorry on behalf of the stroppy smoothie - it's just they don't much like being kept out of the cool fridge. Congratulations on being a new mum.


Aww. So instead of the feared nest of terrorists, there I was holding a huge free box of smoothies, and a lovely little note? Oh Innocent, in the name of your brand, your copywriters, and of course the lovely Tansy, I salute you.

All peace is resumed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ME! Your loyalest fan in Spain.

Very funny post again.

We have to arrange this Grazia shoot I'm afraid - can you specify a day nex week that's good for you?



5:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have smoothie on my ceiling. They don't half go a long way when they escape from the fridge, hmm? I think the lid went through to next door.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have smoothie on my ceiling. They don't half go a long way when they escape from the fridge, hmm? I think the lid went through to next door.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a problem with a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes that rub so badly I get blisters and can't wear them. Can Kirsteen help me?

2:36 AM  
Blogger Clo said...


I'm sure Kirsteen will be able to do something to assist you. She's particularly good in the personal shopping arena, so I'd be confident that she'll take Kurt on for you.

Just don't ask her advice on any food related issues. Unless you're a fan of pokemon shapes, that is.


3:19 PM  

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